Monday, December 31, 2012

12/31/2012: The Kitchen Sink

Post #366. (It was leap year, remember?) Rather than "everything but the kitchen sink" it seemed apropos to finish up my year-long Pics of My Stuff project with "everything PLUS the kitchen sink." Hard to believe I made it a whole year. And as far as I know I only repeated the same thing twice once. (Read that again I swear it makes sense.) Who can figure out what that item is?

I may still post stuff now and then, or I may not look at this blog again for years. If nothing else it will make a nice little 2012 time capsule someday. One thing for sure, at no point in 2013, at 11:00PM as I'm getting ready for bed will I think "Oh crap I didn't post anything today!" Those are the nights you usually saw something from the kitchen drawers.

For those that checked out my posts, thanks and hope you got a chuckle here or there. Do you have a deeper understanding of me now? Doubtful. But maybe. Did I learn anything about myself? Just that I have far too much stuff.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

12/30/2012: Pottery Barn Catalogs

A couple years ago, I ordered the Anderson Media Console from Pottery Barn. And ever since then I've been on the mailing list for an endless stream of Pottery Barn catalogs. At the beginning of 2012 I decided to save them to see how many I got by the end of the year. Sometimes a several weeks would go by without one, sometimes I'd get several within days of each other. Pottery Barn. Pottery Barn Kids. Summer. Holiday. Spring. Outdoor Living. Bed and Bath. All in all, by the end of the year, I'd gotten 37 of the damn things. Take that, trees!

See Also: DVD Player, TiVo

Saturday, December 29, 2012

12/29/2012: Ice Chipper

Figured is was time to get out the ice chipper and try to remove the several inch thick slab of ice and packed snow on my sidewalks. See, when we got that 14 inches of snow last week I made the mistake of walking on it. Winter is stupid. Every year at this time I wonder why I live here. Or why anybody does. I mean I know about Florida and Arizona, it's not like they're secret locations.

See Also: Ice Scraper

Friday, December 28, 2012

12/28/2012: Shuffle Bone

First of all, let me stress that I am not one of those people that buys their pets Christmas gifts. The fact that I bought this on Christmas Eve day for Darwin is nothing more than a coincidence. Had I not been looking for something else in Bed Bath & Beyond when I spotted the Shuffle Bone, he never would've gotten it.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

12/27/2012: Butter Dish

The butter dish gets used once a year. Why? Because I think it's kind of tacky to throw a tub of I Can't Believe It's Not Butter* on the table for Christmas dinner. I'd get real butter more often if it wasn't so hard to spread on pancakes or muffins without destroying them.

*Side note: I have no problem believing it's not butter.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

12/26/2012: Zombie

As I predicted several months ago, my Cartman mouse pad has brought about the zombie apocalypse! Snow zombies are rising from the ground hell bent on consuming our fresh delicious brains!

Anybody who has perused the Sky Mall catalog, that bastion of useless crap you don't need and didn't even know existed but now that you've seen it you've never wanted anything more, on a flight will likely recognize this guy. Yes, it's a garden zombie. Suitable yard decor for those of us with a twisted side.

I got a zombie for Christmas. What did you get?

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

12/25/2012: Christmas Tree

Here it is, the Christmas tree, completely decorated this time. Normally there would be a Mr. Hankey ornament at the top of the tree. I'll have to see if I can find him before my dad arrives for dinner. My dad is a huge Mr. Hankey fan.

Merry Christmas all!