Saturday, June 30, 2012

6/30/2012: Firestone Destination LE Tire

Lucky me I got to spend the bulk of my saturday afternoon in the waiting room of a tires plus. Mmmmm... tire fumes... This particular Firestone Destination LE tire is on the front passenger side. Obviously there are three more of them on the Jeep. The full-sized spare on the back of the Jeep no longer matches, but who's going to notice that?

Friday, June 29, 2012

6/29/2012: Scrub Brush

This particular scrub brush I found at Target was perfect for my needs. Eventually my glasses would get this filmy build up due to the hard water when I ran them through the diswaser. That meant every month or so I'd have to wash them in the sink (the old school by hand Amish was just like like I did way back when I'd help grandma with the dishes) and this brush has a flatish end that lets it clean the inside bottom of the glasses better. But then I bought a different kind of dishwasher detergent, took care of the hard water film and I won't have to wash my glasses by hand again anytime soon.

See also: Broom

Thursday, June 28, 2012

6/28/2012: Front Door

*knock knock*

Who's there?

A picture of my front door.

A picture of my front door who?

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

6/27/2012: Carved Elephant Box

This carved elephant box sits on my desk and is where I keep thing like thumb drives and SD cards. Basically a catch all for small random crap I don't want out on the desk and needs someplace to go. It also has the cords I need to charge my iPod... which was stolen out of my car 2 or maybe even 3 years ago. Maybe I should clean out the box...

See also: Wooden Elephant

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

6/26/2012: Cyclones Cap

If you ever want to see something that just looks wrong ask me to turn this Cyclone's cap (or any cap I happen to be wearing) around and wear it backwards. Most guys can pull that look off. I'm not most guys.

See also: Cyclones Slippers, Flag Hat

Monday, June 25, 2012

6/25/2012: 33lb Bag of Dog Food

Had to run to Target after work tonight to pick up another 33lb bag of dog food, used up the last of the previous bag for breakfast. To clarify, for Darwin's breakfast, not mine. I just had a cup of coffee before leaving for work. Now I'm sure every dog owner has their own meal time ritual with their pet. For me and Darwin when it's meal time I excitedly ask "Who's hungry? WHO'S HUNGRY???" At this question he'll jump up, maybe spin and run into the kitchen... and run head first into the dog food bag. I assume to show me where it is in case I'd forgotten. At least that's what he used to do. Now... more often than not... instead of just running into the bag... he'll start humping it. Which is hilarious I think. Tried to get a pic of that happening tonight but unfortunately he just wasn't feeling it apparently.

See Also: Dog Stuff; Pics that include Darwin

Saturday, June 23, 2012

6/23/2012: Cast Iron Skillet

No kitchen is complete without a cast iron skillet right? Mostly used for pork chops. Occasionally a steak. Sear on the stove top, then transfer to the oven. Mmmmm mmmmm good.

Friday, June 22, 2012

6/22/2012: Towel Rack

I don't know if I've mentioned before but I have a VERY small bathroom. Roughly the size of a coat closet. Which is why I got this over the door towel rack - takes up minimal space.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

6/21/2012: Wicker Love Seat

Last summer I had to run to Target to pick up a bag of dog food while on my lunch break from work. And that quick trip happened to coincide with the moment they were marking down the remaining patio furniture from 33% off to 75% off. So I was able to snag this wicker love seat and two matching chairs for what one of the chairs along would normally have cost. I do love that final let's-get-the-hell-rid-of-this-crap markdown.

See also: Outdoor Coffee Table

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

6/20/2012: Raid

I don't know what the issue is, but in the last week or so I've been besieged by houseflies. Buzzing in the windows. Flying around the living room. Landing right in the middle of the TV screen and just staying there because they know you're not going to swat them when they're on the TV... Luckily I found a can of Raid under the sink. And it's potpourri scented to boot. Maybe I need to stop leaving steaks on the dining room table to age...

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

6/19/2012: Air Conditioner

Where would we be without the glory that is the air conditioner? Thank you Willis Haviland Carrier! Of course the air conditioner is one of the chief contributors to the pussification of America... but who cares as long as we're cool? 

See also: Darwin, Dog Tire

Monday, June 18, 2012

6/18/2012: Desk Chair

If I'm awake and not on the couch (not to imply I'm always awake when I'm on the couch, far from it especially on Sunday afternoons) chances are I'm in my desk chair. In fact I'm sitting in it at this very moment as I type out this riveting description.It must know I'm writing about it because so far tonight it's decided not to suddenly drop to it's lowest setting and leave me struggling to climb out and raise it back up.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

6/17/2012: Dad

It's become a tradition in my family to try to get my dad to flip of the camera whenever we all get together for holidays or what not. Inevitably at some point my brother or myself will point a camera or our phone at our dad and say "C'mon dad, flip me off." Tonight for Father's Day dinner was no different. Here's how almost all of these interactions go:

ME/My Brother: C'mon dad flip me off.
Dad: No, I'm not doing that any more.
Me/My Brother: C'mon
Dad: No.
Me/My Brother: C'mon
Dad: No.
Me/My Brother: C'mon
Dad *flips off camera*
Me/My Brother: *CLICK*
Dad: (to my mother) See what they make me do?
Mom: You didn't have to do that.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

6/16/2012: Folding Step Stool

I also have a two-step folding step stool that I usually keep folded up and slid between the fridge and the wall. But sometimes with the two-stepper I couldn't quite reach...

See Also: Ladder

Friday, June 15, 2012

6/15/2012: Napkin Holder

I use this napkin holder to hold napkins. Seriously, what did you think I'd say it was for?

Thursday, June 14, 2012

6/14/2012: Flag Hat

What better way to say "Happy Flag Day!" than to (dis)honor the US flag by wearing a festive novelty flag hat festooned with the stars and stripes?

See Also: Bears Hat

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

6/13/2012: Red Igloo Cooler

For some reason I have 6 coolers of varying sizes and designs, of which this red Igloo cooler is one. Why so many? Beats the hell out of me. I didn't even realize it until I took a picture of this one and noticed how many others were stuck under the stairs in the basement.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

6/12/2012: Target Knock-Off Saline Solution

I'm a big proponent of the Target knock-off items which is why I get the Target knock-off saline solution instead of the pricier Bausch and Lomb stuff. Less than half as much and my eyes haven't fallen out yet so it must be just as good.

Monday, June 11, 2012

6/11/2012: Wrought Iron Cafe Set

This wrought iron cafe set isn't actually a set at all. I got the table at Target and the chairs are from my brother's bar - he stored them in my basement while the place was under construction, let me keep a couple as a storage fee.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

6/10/2012: Canvas Shoes (camo)

These shoes prove that I can still be taken in by a commercial. Saw these canvas shoes in an Old Navy ad. Not a particularly great ad (it was no Old Navy Performance Fleece commercial that's for sure) but I wanted the shoes. I didn't rush out to get them. I rarely rush out to get anything any more. My rushing out days are behind me. In fact, likely wouldn't have ever gotten them if I hadn't happened to go to the mall theater to see Avengers a few weeks ago and Old Navy was right there. But I'd put off going to get them long enough that by the time I made it to the mall they were on clearance! Score! Who says procrastination doesn't pay off? And they're about as comfortable as you'd expect shoes you paid $9 for to be.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

6/9/2012: Bike

I live in one of those "active" neighborhoods. It's kind of annoying sometimes. My street even has a dedicated bike lane in each direction. I often sit on my couch looking out the front window, watching the active people walk, jog or bike by and it makes me think "I am so screwed when the zombie apocalypse comes." (As you may recall, said apocalypse is likely to start here.) After all, what is the first rule of surviving the zombie apocalypse? That's right: cardio. Zombieland taught us that. In an effort to not fall prey to the ravenous undead, I'm back to riding my bike. Bring it zombies.

Friday, June 8, 2012

6/8/2012: Over-the-sink Shelf

I got this over-the-sink shelf when I lived in my last apartment so I could put plants on it - the only sunny window was over the sink. When I got the house it wasn't high enough for me to use the faucet properly, so I stuck some ugly chunk of scrap wood under each leg. And look, I fixed it myself!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

6/7/2012: Dog Crate

The dog crate has long been relegated to the basement as Darwin pretty much has the run of the house now. Used it when he was a pup and for house training him, but after he was a few months old it's been largely unused.

See also: Baby Gate, Stuff the Dog Hates

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

6/5/2012: Dinner Plates

Although I don't have a full matching set of dishes I do have 8 matching dinner plates.

See also: Fork, Cereal Bowls

Monday, June 4, 2012

6/4/2012: Miracle Grow Feeder Nozzle

Picked up a second Miracle Grow feeder nozzle for the garden in the back yard. Didn't want to keep detaching and reattaching the one I had in the front yard to water my window boxes.

See also: Green Hose, Red Hose

Sunday, June 3, 2012

6/3/2012: Millennium Falcon T-Shirt

The last thing I need is more T-Shirts. I have more than enough of them already. If I wore one every day I could go nearly two months before I would have to do a load of laundry. But when I saw this Millennium Falcon T-Shirt at Target it was an instant must have for the geek in me. I guess now I can go two months and a day without doing a load of T-Shirts.

See also: Laundry Needing To Be Folded ; Garden Jawa; Die Cast Metal Millennium Falcon

Friday, June 1, 2012

6/1/2012: Fork

Actually I have 8 of these. Or maybe it's 12... I suppose I could post each fork separately... fork 1, fork 2, fork 3, etc. But that would be even duller than what I usually post wouldn't it? I will say that all 8 (Or is it 12? I think it's 12.) of my forks match each other. As do my spoons and knives, but more on them in a future post. They aren't a particularly pricey set, something I picked up at KMart if I recall correctly. I bought them because I'd reached a point in my life where I felt it was vitally important to have silverware that matched rather than the random assortment of miscellaneous stuff I had at the time. Like a real grown-up. And also because the name of the pattern was Aragon. Which was almost Aragorn's name from Lord of the Rings, so I thought that was pretty damn cool. I may have reached a point in my life where I want my silverware to match, but I'll always be a geek at heart.