Sunday, January 1, 2012

1/1/2012: Holiday Hamster

This blog will be dedicated to posting pics of my stuff, hopefully one a day. Why? Well, I have a lot of stuff. Or crap if you prefer. Seems to accumulate in great amounts. And let's face facts, on some level we are what we buy right? So maybe by sharing what I own I'll end up having some life-altering self-epiphany as I realize a fundamental truth about myself. Or more likely this blog will serve as a good opening item for a future episode of Hoarders.The idea is pretty basic: post a pic of something I own and write a little about it. Along with a few basic facts about the thing. Where I got it, why I got it, when I got it, something interesting about it (if there is something interesting about what I'm posting that particular day). That kind of thing. 

First up is my Holiday Hamster. I use the word "holiday" not as part of the imagined "war on Christmas" but because I like the alliteration. I got him at Target (you'll find a lot of my stuff comes from Target) at least 5 or 6 years ago, there was an endcap full of various different hamsters sporting various holiday outfits. When you push his left foot, Holiday Hamster dances and sings a very chipmunky version of Jingle Bells. Oh, and my dog absolutely hates the thing. Barks and yowls every time it comes on, jumps up and tries to grab it off the shelf. Sits , stares and growls at it even when it's silent. So naturally during the holidays I push Holiday Hamster's left foot as often as possible.

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