Friday, May 4, 2012

5/4/2012: Wooden Crab

This wooden crab is the carved animal companion piece to a wooden turtle I posted in the early days of this blog. They were a couple of my favorite things my grandmother had in her house. It was a memento from a vacation she and my grandfather had taken to Jamaica (I think) long before I was born. It's an item that I'll always associate with my grandmother, full of the nostalgia of youthful visits to New Jersey, which is why it was one of the things I wanted after she passed away. The crab's shell lifts up to reveal a small compartment. I suppose you keep your weed in there? It IS from Jamaica after all. Don;t worry, my grandmother would find me saying that funny. We used to watch Benny Hill reruns together when I was 8 so she had a sense of humor.

See also: Wooden Crab; Irises

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