Wednesday, February 1, 2012

2/1/2012: Ugly Ceramic Bowl I Made 30 Years Ago

I came home from work a couple nights ago to find this ugly ceramic bowl I made 30 years ago, proudly emblazoned with my initials, on my kitchen counter. That will teach me to ask my parents to stop over and feed the dog because I have to work late...

Way back in 1981 my mother signed me and my younger brother up for a ceramics class over the summer (probably to get us out of the house). It had to be 1981 because the hot topic of conversation with the other kids in the class was Raiders of the Lost Ark. At the time I didn't want to see the movie because I thought it was stupid that Harrison Ford was shooting lasers as an archeologist (that scene where the sun beam reveals the location of the Well of the Souls, in the commercials it looked like a lazer which I though was stupid with the context of the story. Hey, I was a discerning 12 year old.). Luckily the other ceramics kids were able to change my mind.

Flash forward 30 years and here, on my kitchen counter, is the product of that long ago ceramics class that's been in my parent's basement ever since. My father suggested I use it for dog treats and that I should put it on my "thing every day blog." Good call dad.

If you think this is ugly, just wait until you see the ashtray.

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