Monday, February 20, 2012

2/20/2012: Stack of Books #1

I'm counting this stack of books as one item rather than a dozen (or however many books it contains. I suppose I could count them quick... eh, whatever...) because once I've read a book, it goes on a stack and the stack itself becomes an item. Here's a mini review of the books in this stack, top to bottom:

Holidays on Ice/David Sedaris: A holiday classic, Sedaris' tale of his experience working Santa Land at Macy's reminds me of how horrible my retail Christmases were. In a hilarious way.

Syrup/Max Barry: Read Max Barry. Just do it.

I Know I Am But What Are You?/Samantha Bee: OK with some funny bits. If you love her on The Daily Show, you'll like her on paper.

Running With Scissors/Augusten Burroughs: Quite funny, even after finding out it was largely made up. Who cares.

Jennifer Government/Max Barry: Didn't you hear what I said already? READ MAX BARRY! His books are hilarious. Unfortunately he only has a few.

The Curious Case of the Dog In the Night-Time: I absolutely hated this book. The gimmick of the first person point of view of an autistic kid gets old very quickly. I honestly have no idea why I finished the book, especially since if I recall the "mystery" is randomly solved without build-up in the final couple pages.

Sex Drugs & Cocoa Puffs/Chuck Klosterman: Been awhile since I read this. I remember liking it... but nothing really specific about it.

Me Talk Pretty One Day/David Sedaris: The essay about explaining the Easter bunny to French people may be one of the funniest things I've ever read.

Possible Side Effects/Augusten Burroughs: OK, still funny, but not as funny as Running With Scissors.

The Tipping Point/Malcolm Gladwell: In a word; overrated. It was an OK, but all Gladwell did was identify the "tipping point" phenomenon in my opinion, he didn't really offer any "why" about it.

I Am Legend: I liked the movie, thought I'd check out the source material. This is actually a collection of short stories but I only read the one the movie was based on. Don't remember much about it actually, other than it was very different from the movie.

A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius & Life of Pi: There's a reason these two ended up on the bottom of the stack, I never finished either of them. Actually I doubt I even got 30 pages into either of them. 

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