Monday, December 31, 2012

12/31/2012: The Kitchen Sink

Post #366. (It was leap year, remember?) Rather than "everything but the kitchen sink" it seemed apropos to finish up my year-long Pics of My Stuff project with "everything PLUS the kitchen sink." Hard to believe I made it a whole year. And as far as I know I only repeated the same thing twice once. (Read that again I swear it makes sense.) Who can figure out what that item is?

I may still post stuff now and then, or I may not look at this blog again for years. If nothing else it will make a nice little 2012 time capsule someday. One thing for sure, at no point in 2013, at 11:00PM as I'm getting ready for bed will I think "Oh crap I didn't post anything today!" Those are the nights you usually saw something from the kitchen drawers.

For those that checked out my posts, thanks and hope you got a chuckle here or there. Do you have a deeper understanding of me now? Doubtful. But maybe. Did I learn anything about myself? Just that I have far too much stuff.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

12/30/2012: Pottery Barn Catalogs

A couple years ago, I ordered the Anderson Media Console from Pottery Barn. And ever since then I've been on the mailing list for an endless stream of Pottery Barn catalogs. At the beginning of 2012 I decided to save them to see how many I got by the end of the year. Sometimes a several weeks would go by without one, sometimes I'd get several within days of each other. Pottery Barn. Pottery Barn Kids. Summer. Holiday. Spring. Outdoor Living. Bed and Bath. All in all, by the end of the year, I'd gotten 37 of the damn things. Take that, trees!

See Also: DVD Player, TiVo

Saturday, December 29, 2012

12/29/2012: Ice Chipper

Figured is was time to get out the ice chipper and try to remove the several inch thick slab of ice and packed snow on my sidewalks. See, when we got that 14 inches of snow last week I made the mistake of walking on it. Winter is stupid. Every year at this time I wonder why I live here. Or why anybody does. I mean I know about Florida and Arizona, it's not like they're secret locations.

See Also: Ice Scraper

Friday, December 28, 2012

12/28/2012: Shuffle Bone

First of all, let me stress that I am not one of those people that buys their pets Christmas gifts. The fact that I bought this on Christmas Eve day for Darwin is nothing more than a coincidence. Had I not been looking for something else in Bed Bath & Beyond when I spotted the Shuffle Bone, he never would've gotten it.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

12/27/2012: Butter Dish

The butter dish gets used once a year. Why? Because I think it's kind of tacky to throw a tub of I Can't Believe It's Not Butter* on the table for Christmas dinner. I'd get real butter more often if it wasn't so hard to spread on pancakes or muffins without destroying them.

*Side note: I have no problem believing it's not butter.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

12/26/2012: Zombie

As I predicted several months ago, my Cartman mouse pad has brought about the zombie apocalypse! Snow zombies are rising from the ground hell bent on consuming our fresh delicious brains!

Anybody who has perused the Sky Mall catalog, that bastion of useless crap you don't need and didn't even know existed but now that you've seen it you've never wanted anything more, on a flight will likely recognize this guy. Yes, it's a garden zombie. Suitable yard decor for those of us with a twisted side.

I got a zombie for Christmas. What did you get?

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

12/25/2012: Christmas Tree

Here it is, the Christmas tree, completely decorated this time. Normally there would be a Mr. Hankey ornament at the top of the tree. I'll have to see if I can find him before my dad arrives for dinner. My dad is a huge Mr. Hankey fan.

Merry Christmas all!

Monday, December 24, 2012

12/24/2012: Snowman Plate

A large decorative but pretty much entirely useless snowman plate. I pull it out every year and set it on the table. Usually use it to serve cookies. Sometimes to hold the remotes or received mail receptacle.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

12/23/2012: Blue Bowl

Normally this blue bowl holds my Christmas cactus, but I ran it through the dishwasher so I could use it for rolls at Christmas dinner. Then back to plant duty for it.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

12/22/2012: Digital Antenna (and Cable)

The Mayans were right!!! How else do you explain my losing my cable (right) and having to resort to watching TV via an over-the-air antenna (left). What is this, the 70's?!?! Sure you can say that the Mayans had nothing to do with it. That it was just a chain reaction brought on by getting 14 inches of snow that weighted down a tree that had a big branch snap off that took out a neighbor's power feed that pulled over a utility pole that snapped my cable.  You can say that... if you're a fool! I know what really happened.

Friday, December 21, 2012

12/21/2012: Pine Tree Candle Holders

There's actually four pine tree candle holders here, two large and two small. I put the small ones inside the big ones cause really, who need four pine tree candle holders? Two will do. I don't even have candles for both, only for one of them at them moment.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

12/20/2012: Ice Scraper

This ice scraper wasn't much good against the 14 inches of snow we got last night but it was handy for some detail work on the sides mirrors.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

12/19/2012: Hermey Bobble Head

The cavalcade of Christmas crap continues with everyone's favorite claymation elf dentist, Hermey. In Bobble head form.

See also: Holiday Hamster

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

12/18/2012: Chinese Coins

Large replicas of Chinese coins on sticks for decorative purposes. At least I have to assume they are only decorative and not actually legal tender in China. And I doubt I'll ever have the opportunity to find out, because in the even I ever do get to visit China I'm not dragging this along on the off chance I'd have enough to buy a hot dog with them. Assuming they have hot dogs in China. Which I doubt they do. Besides, if I'm ever in China I'm going to want to eat as much authentic Chinese food as I can. Or as they call it there, "food."

See also: Bookcase

Monday, December 17, 2012

12/17/2012: Cutting Board

For the rare occasions when I cook and need to cut something (usually an onion or a bell pepper, I buy the pre-sliced mushrooms) I pull out the cutting board. Usually I won't use this one though. It's too big to fit in the dishwasher and I have a smaller one. And if something won't fit in the dishwasher how the hell else am I supposed to get it clean???

Sunday, December 16, 2012

12/16/2012: Scrub Brush

This scrub brush sits on the edge of the tub and is used primarily to scrub the bathtub. Tends to get quite dirty in there. Not from me but mostly from the dog. Who likes to drop his toys and bones in the bathtub for safe keeping, then jumps in with his muddy feet to get them. And truth be told, I've also used this scrub brush to attack this nasty scaly patch of skin I get on my ankles. Overshare?

Saturday, December 15, 2012

12/15/2012: Wreath

This wreath hangs on the front door. Santa and snowman. So cute you'll puke. And isn't that what the holidays are really about?

Friday, December 14, 2012

12/14/2012: Gloves (black)

So far this winter there hasn't been a lot of days cold enough for gloves... at least not yet. I'm sure those days are coming though. And I'll be ready. SCREW YOU WINTER!!!

See also: Bench

Thursday, December 13, 2012

12/13/2012: Wireless Router

The future is now! Or, having finally gotten a wireless router earlier this year, several years ago is now.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

12/12/2012: Santa Darth Bobble Head

Generally I don't buy any more Christmas crap. I have enough. Far too much really. I don't even allow myself in Target the day after Christmas so as not to be tempted by the 50% off clearance. But every year it seems I come across something like this Santa Darth bobble head or the Heat Miser/Snow Miser figures I posted a few days ago. Items I see and must possess NOW.

Speaking of which... I've seen a 4 or 5 foot tall lighted Bumble lawn ornament that I'm reasonably sure I will not be able to resist ordering for much longer.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

12/11/2012: Brown Socks

Had to retire my favorite pair of thick comfy socks over the weekend as they'd developed several holes in the toes or heels. They were the last of three pairs I'd had for years, may they rest in peace. These brown socks are my replacement pairs. I'm auditioning them to see if they warrant purchasing more. Thick. Soft. Warm. Ahhhhh... I can't wait to kick back in these on the weekend while having a lazy morning in my sweats and robe. Sipping coffee and watching it snow. That's livin'.

Monday, December 10, 2012

12/10/2012: Heat Miser/Snow Miser

For Gen Xers, nothing harkens us back to the holidays of yor quite like the old Rankin and Bass Christmas specials. The Heat Miser and the Snow Miser were featured in one of the better ones, The Years Without a Santa Claus. Which, thanks to ABC Family, I just finished watching. Not quite as good as it was in the 70s, but holds up better than many of the R&B specials. Just try to sit through the Leprechaun's Christmas Gold, I dare you. 

It seems the Heat Miser is the more popular of the two Miser brothers, even though they both have pretty much the same song and the same four mini-me minions. Must be Heat's hair that gives him the edge.

And get ready for a barrage of Christmas crap in the next couple weeks.

See also: Birthday Plate

Sunday, December 9, 2012

12/9/2012: Fridge

Stainless steel appliances are about as ubiquitous as cell phones it seems. Seems they've been the "in" thing for longer than they should be. And personally, I can't stand mine. Why? Well, because I touched the fridge once when I moved in... and it's still smudged. You can't clean the damn things, they just streak. At least not the outside. You CAN clean the inside of the fridge. Which I did yesterday since, as you can see, I'm a little low on groceries. If only there was some store that sold them...

Saturday, December 8, 2012

12/8/2012: Flannel Shirt

Isn't it nice to see flannel shirts are back? Grunge and the 90's are here again! OK, maybe they never really left (the flannel shirts, not the grunge and the 90's, some things are gone and never coming back), but I got this one about a month ago after having a flannel-free wardrobe for a very long time. And I've worn it almost every night since. It's more like slipping on a soft warm jacket than wearing a shirt. Probably time to throw it in the wash... it HAS been a month after all...

Oh, and has anyone seen my Pearl Jam cassette?

Friday, December 7, 2012

12/7/2012: Sweat Pants

Nothing says "I give up!" quite like slipping on a pair of sweat pants as soon as you get home from work on a Friday. I'm definitely in for the night. Once the sweat pants are on, it's over. Not going out. Not running to the store. Not doing a damn thing other than sitting on my couch and not having a cigarette. Even though after the week I've had I would punch a baby for a smoke.

Side note: It's very difficult to take a picture of your pants with a cell phone while you're wearing them.

See Also: Belt

Thursday, December 6, 2012

12/6/2012: External Hard Drive

The main thing I like about this external hard drive (a Christmas gift from my older-younger brother last year) is the light on the side looks like a lightsaber.

See Also: Desk, Computer

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

12/5/2012: Space Heater

This space heater sits in the living room next to the couch and is generally aimed directly at my legs. Cold sucks. Winter can be the longest 7 months of the year.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

12/4/2012: Framed Tiles

Two framed tiles. They hang on the wall in the living room. Serving no purpose other than to look good on the wall.

Monday, December 3, 2012

12/3/2012: Relic Wrist Watch

This Relic wrist watch is one of those things I have that I forgot I had. One, because like most people these days it seems, when I want to know the time I pull my cell phone out and look at it. And second, the battery died on this watch years ago (5 or 6 or so) and I have yet to get around to replacing it. Instead, I stuck it in the white box on my bookshelves and proceeded to forget about it.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

12/2/2012: Looney Tunes Drinking Glasses

According to the copyright date on these Looney Tunes drinking glasses, I got them in 1994. Seems like just yesterday I was at the Warner Brothers Studio Store in the Mall or America when I bought these. Actually, not really... seems like it was 10 or 15 years ago... which would be about right.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

12/1/2012: Christmas Tree (Before)

Believe it or not but another December is upon us. Here's a shot of my Christmas tree in the basement, before being decorated. One of the big advantages of having a house instead of an apartment is I don't have to disassemble the tree every year for storage. Just shove it in the basement. And even though Christmas seems to start immediately after Halloween these days, I probably won't bring it upstairs and decorate it until next weekend.

See also: Grim Reaper; Bike

Friday, November 30, 2012

11/30/2012: (Deflated) Basketball

Darwin enjoys chasing this basketball around the yard and it's deflated just enough so that he can grip it in his mouth if he tries hard enough and doesn't run too fast with it. Rather amusing to watch him try to carry it back across the yard, he'll drop it several times. After dropping it he usually looks over at me with that "Are you gonna help me with this or not?" look dogs have. You dog owners know what I'm talking about.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

11/29/2012: White Box

This white box sits on my Verona bookcase and, if I recall correctly, is full of watches I haven't worn in years (because they all have dead batteries). I'll have to open it and find out if that's true.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

11/28/2012: Looney Tunes Coffee Cup

Despite the antlers on Taz, Daffy and Wile Coyote, this Christmas themed Looney Tunes coffee cup is used year round. Part of the random assortment of coffee cups I have. 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

11/27/2012: Game Cube

This Game Cube was the last in a long line of Nintendo console ownership. The original NES begat the Super Nigntendo, the Super Nintendo begat the N64, the N64 begat the Game Cube, and the Game Cube begat the Wii (which I loathed and sold soon after purchasing). Once upon a time, my Game Cube was the center of my entertainment world.  I'd play Mario or Zelda for hour upon hour. Now? No it sits unused in the basement, attached to an archaic 32" tube TV. Sad and abandoned.

Though I do miss Mario Kart...

Monday, November 26, 2012

11/26/2012: Horse

It's a horse statue. Sits on the floor in the corner of the living room. One of those cheap clearance things you buy at Target, get home and realize "Well I guess I own a horse statue now." But hey, the Bradys had one in their living room too right?

Sunday, November 25, 2012

11/25/2012: Bird Feeder

When I bought the house this bird feeder was in the shed in the backyard. Free bird feeder with purchase of a house? SCORE!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

11/24/2012: Cookie Sheet

After taking the pic I realized it may be time to invest in a new less nasty looking cookie sheet. And this is the better one of the few I have. But an aluminum foil lining seems to work well enough.

Friday, November 23, 2012

11/23/2012: Kraken Rum

I thought running to the liquor store in search of a bottle of Kraken rum was an excellent use of my lunch hour. I've been a bit obsessed with the rum since seeing a commercial for it while in Chicago last month... even though I haven't ever tried it. Why? Mainly because of the tag line... "Release the Kraken!" I can't even imagine how many times I'm going to say that after opening the bottle.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

11/22/2012: Steak Knife

With my blockbuster silverware trilogy of Fork, Spoon and Knife concluded, I faced a conundrum often faced by Hollywood... how do I continue to milk a successful formula? I went the pseudo-sequel relaunch route with Steak Knife. Used to cut meat.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

11/21/2012: Pasta Pot

Back when I got this pasta pot I believe it was one of those "amazing as-seen-on-TV!" things. It works like this:

Step 1: Boil pasta.
Step 2: Tip over pot and drain pasta.
Step 3: Eat pasta.

No colander needed! Isn't that amazing?! OK, so it's no smart phone or TiVo.  But definitely handy.

See also: Pot

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

11/20/2012: Shout

Let's see... since I almost never use the Shout to shout out stains, I would estimate I've had this for 5 or more years. Maybe even longer. I have no recollection of actually purchasing it. Of course it's not one of those exciting purchases you look forward to for a long time, saving up for until you have enough to finally get it.

See also: Washer & Dryer

Monday, November 19, 2012

11/19/2012: Potholders

Where do potholders come from? I don't think I've ever purchased any (any that aren't shaped like a shark or like Pac Man anyway) and yet... here these are. At one point when I was unemployed I joked that I was going to open a kiosk in the mall and sell hand woven potholders called 2 Hot 2 Handle. It was very important to replace the "Too" with "2" to give the kiosk more street cred.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

11/18/2012: 32" TV

I find it fascinating how quickly conventional tube televisions just went away. Relegated to the attic or the guest room or, like this 32" TV, the basement. Heck, this isn't even technically mine, it was left behind by a friend that lived me me for a short period. I thin he just didn't want to carry it out. Thing weighs a fucking ton. Now it sits in the basement, with my old Game Cube attached. I always say I'll go down someday and play Mario Kart or something... but I don't. You can see the old coffee table, also relegated to the basement, sitting next to it.