Monday, December 31, 2012

12/31/2012: The Kitchen Sink

Post #366. (It was leap year, remember?) Rather than "everything but the kitchen sink" it seemed apropos to finish up my year-long Pics of My Stuff project with "everything PLUS the kitchen sink." Hard to believe I made it a whole year. And as far as I know I only repeated the same thing twice once. (Read that again I swear it makes sense.) Who can figure out what that item is?

I may still post stuff now and then, or I may not look at this blog again for years. If nothing else it will make a nice little 2012 time capsule someday. One thing for sure, at no point in 2013, at 11:00PM as I'm getting ready for bed will I think "Oh crap I didn't post anything today!" Those are the nights you usually saw something from the kitchen drawers.

For those that checked out my posts, thanks and hope you got a chuckle here or there. Do you have a deeper understanding of me now? Doubtful. But maybe. Did I learn anything about myself? Just that I have far too much stuff.

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