Friday, January 6, 2012

1/6/2012: Religious Candles

My house, a Beaverdale Brick built in the late 40's, has an interesting architectural element in the hallway - a phone alcove. Of course in this day and age, who has a home phone? Which takes away the purpose of the alcove. And even if I still had a land line, I wouldn't put the phone in the alcove anyway - it's rather inconveniently located. Apparently people in the 40's and 50's didn't mind getting up from the couch to go answer the phone or getting out of bed to do the same. Heck, if my cell phone is out of reach I sometimes just let it go to voicemail.

When I purchased my house about three years ago... or maybe it's four now, time melts... and was giving the requisite new home tour to various friends or family members who came by to see my new digs, I would point out the alcove and jokingly say "And this is where my shrine to the Virgin Mary is going to go." Nothing like a little blasphemy among friend. Though my mother tends to not appreciate such jokes. Time passed as it will, and my friend Jill took a trip to Mexico. Where she happened upon some... let's call them tacky... where she happened upon some tacky religious candles depicting the Virgin Mary. Remembering my plans for the alcove, Jill was kind enough to pick me up one, plus a St. Michael in Hell candle too. So thoughtful. And they've been in my alcove,next to my Stephen Hawking action figure, ever since.

1 comment:

  1. ok - I like this better than Christmas Hamster - this is in my #1 position of Mike's Stuff.
