This is my second cup of coffee in the morning. My first cup of coffee, as I'm sitting around in the morning thinking "Fuck I really don't fucking want to go to fucking work fuck fuck FUCK FUCK FUCK" and having breakfast, is in a real coffee cup, like my
Empire Strikes Back coffee cup. Then I pour a cup into one of my
insulated travel cups (I have three just like this, two brown and one blue) for the commute to work and the long trek in from the parking lot. About 30 minutes or so after arriving at work I use it for my third cup. Then my fourth a little later. And often a fifth if I'm finidng it difficult to make it through the afternoon and remain awake at my desk.
Now that I'm writing that... I drink a LOT of coffee. I'm also posting a lot about coffee related items. Maybe I have a problem.
SIDENOTE: This is also the same cup Castle brings Beckett her coffee in when he arrives at the station in the morning. My coffee cup is famous!
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