Saturday, January 14, 2012

1/14/2012: Grind and Brew Coffee Maker

This is my Cuisinart Automatic Grind and Brew coffee maker. Combined a built in grinder with the coffee maker. It also has a timer which I almost never use, because that requires you to think about setting it up the night before to brew in the morning.

This is actually my second one of these, the first I had died awhile back and I recently replaced it is with the new one. It still worked as a coffee maker, but the grinder had gone out on it. And once you've gotten used to fresh ground and brewed coffee... well, there's no going back. OK, you can go back, cause I did for quite a number of months, but fresh ground is noticeably better. After several months of suffering without fresh ground coffee in the morning I happened across this one on one of those crazy deals on Amazon just before Christmas.

Right now as I write this I'm enjoying my second cup of the morning. And yes, for those wondering, I happen to be drinking it out of one of my Empire Strikes Back coffee cups. I know some people don't drink coffee, don't like the taste, don't need it to wake up in the morning and to those people I say: "You're nuts."

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