Monday, January 2, 2012

1/2/2012: Empire Strikes Back Coffee Cup

Pics of my stuff continues (I've stuck with it for 2 days now! Go me!) with my Empire Strikes Back coffee cup. I actually have two of these, picked them up at Barnes & Noble a few years ago while there for a little post-Christmas calendar shopping. Along with the calendars, these cups were also 50% off. Too good of a deal to pass up, even though the prequels had tarnished my deep nostalgic love of the original movies. But no matter how crappy episodes 1, 2 and 3 are I still fondly recall that summer when I turned 11, me and my brother seeing Empire over and over and over at the River Hills downtown. And here, in 50% off coffee cup form, was a reminder of those good times. But mainly I got them because I was low on coffee cups, always seemed to run out of clean ones before the dishwasher was full enough to run a load. What else could I do? Wash cups by hand between loads? C'mon, I'm not Amish.

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