Tuesday, January 3, 2012

1/3/2012: Christmas Cactus

Today is caucus day here in Iowa, a day everyone in the state has been looking forward to for a long long time... so that we can all once again watch TV without being bombarded by political commercials of Rick Perry telling us he isn't embarrassed to talk about his faith or how Ron Paul supports gay marriage so electing him will send America into a moral death spiral the likes of which haven't been seen since Sodom and Gomorrah or anything featuring Newt Gingrich's giant puffy head (am I the only one that thinks he looks like the Stay Puft marshmallow man?). Tomorrow the rest of the country can go back to ignoring us and, let's be honest, being unsure if we're the ones with all the potatoes or is that Ohio?

So anyway, what does any of that have to do with pics of my stuff? Well, what sounds kind of like caucus? That's right... cactus! And *voila* there's my rather tenuous reasoning behind sharing a pic of my Christmas cactus today.

I have no idea where I got this particular houseplant or when. I'd say I've had it at least 5 years, perhaps as many as 10. Perhaps even more, who can remember these things. I think it's technically two Christmas cacti in the same pot, since half of it blooms at a different time of year than the other half.

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