Friday, June 1, 2012

6/1/2012: Fork

Actually I have 8 of these. Or maybe it's 12... I suppose I could post each fork separately... fork 1, fork 2, fork 3, etc. But that would be even duller than what I usually post wouldn't it? I will say that all 8 (Or is it 12? I think it's 12.) of my forks match each other. As do my spoons and knives, but more on them in a future post. They aren't a particularly pricey set, something I picked up at KMart if I recall correctly. I bought them because I'd reached a point in my life where I felt it was vitally important to have silverware that matched rather than the random assortment of miscellaneous stuff I had at the time. Like a real grown-up. And also because the name of the pattern was Aragon. Which was almost Aragorn's name from Lord of the Rings, so I thought that was pretty damn cool. I may have reached a point in my life where I want my silverware to match, but I'll always be a geek at heart.

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